The Ripple Effect – Buying Local

The Ripple Effect: How Spending Locally Boosts the Local Economy

When you spend money locally, you do much more than just buy goods and services—you contribute to a powerful cycle that multiplies the economic benefits within your community. This concept, often referred to as the local multiplier effect, demonstrates how dollars spent locally can have a far-reaching impact on the local economy. Let’s explore this idea using an example formula to quantify the effects of local spending.

The Formula: Tracking Economic Impact

The formula works like this:

  1. For every dollar earned, if 80% is spent locally, that money continues to circulate in the community.
  2. If local businesses also spend 80% of their earnings locally, the impact multiplies with each transaction.

To illustrate, imagine you spend $10,000 locally. Here’s how that spending impacts the local economy through multiple cycles:

  1. Initial spend: You spend $10,000 at local businesses.
  2. First cycle (80% reinvested): Those businesses reinvest 80% of their earnings locally, which amounts to $8,000.
  3. Second cycle (80% reinvested): The next layer of businesses reinvest 80% of the $8,000, contributing $6,400.
  4. Third cycle (80% reinvested): This pattern continues, with $5,120 reinvested in the third cycle, $4,096 in the fourth, and so on.

This cascading reinvestment process ultimately results in the initial $10,000 creating a total economic impact significantly larger than the original amount. Let’s calculate the total impact using the multiplier effect.

Why Local Spending Matters

  1. Supports Local Jobs: Spending locally helps maintain jobs and create new opportunities within the community.
  2. Strengthens Community Ties: Local businesses often source from other local suppliers, creating a network of interdependence that strengthens the local economy.
  3. Increases Tax Revenue: More money circulating locally means higher tax revenue for community services such as schools, parks, and infrastructure.
  4. Encourages Sustainability: Local spending reduces the environmental costs associated with transporting goods and services from outside the area.

Small Changes, Big Impact

Imagine if everyone in your community adopted the habit of spending locally. The impact would multiply even further, supporting local businesses, driving innovation, and fostering economic resilience. By choosing local, you not only support your neighbours but also ensure that the economic benefits of your spending stay within the community.

A Call to Action

Every dollar you spend is a vote for the kind of community you want to live in. By committing to spend locally, you play an active role in strengthening the economy and shaping the future of your neighbourhood. Together, we can create a thriving, self-sustaining local economy that benefits everyone. So, the next time you’re shopping or dining out, consider the power of your dollar and the incredible ripple effect it can create.

Spend local. Impact local. Grow local.